Changing the mobile wallet password with pending identities or accounts

The mobile wallets allow changing the password used to access account and identity keys.

However this ability is disabled when there are pending (i.e., non-finalized) identities or accounts.
In normal circumstances identities and accounts should be either rejected or finalized in a few minutes. Pending identities and accounts cannot be deleted manually.

If for some reason the pending state is not resolved in a timely manner and you need to change the password you will need to follow the following steps to work around the restriction.

  1. Export the existing identities and accounts. Back up the file.
  2. Reinstall the app.
  3. Import the accounts from the backup file.

NB: It is crucial to back up the file and make sure it is valid. If you lose the backup you will lose your account keys and there is no mechanism to recover them.

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