Yes, that is possible - just strange it works on testnet. But moving on to verify the proof we get POST 400 (Bad Request)
Interestingly, this works on the testnet as expected. Below is the code snippet and console:
let account = await walletProvider.connect();
// Define the attributes to be revealed
const attributesToReveal = [
// Create the reveal statement for each attribute
const statement = => ({
type: StatementTypes.RevealAttribute,
const credentialStatement = {
idQualifier: {
type: ‘cred’,
issuers: [issuerId],
const challenge = […crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(32))]
.map((b) => b.toString(16).padStart(2, ‘0’))
const proof = await walletProvider.requestVerifiablePresentation(challenge, [credentialStatement]);
if (!proof) {
throw new Error(‘Failed to retrieve proof from wallet provider.’);
// Base64 encode the proof JSON
const proofBase64 = btoa(JSON.stringify(proof));
const revealedAttributes = { account, proofBase64 };
const verifiableCredential = proof?.verifiableCredential?.[0];
const proofValues = verifiableCredential?.credentialSubject?.proof?.proofValue;
if (proofValues) {
attributesToReveal.forEach((attributeTag, index) => {
const proofValue = proofValues[index];
const attributeValue = proofValue?.attribute || ‘No value provided’;
revealedAttributes[attributeTag] = attributeValue;
} else {
throw new Error(‘No proof values found.’);
console.log(‘Proof:’, proof);
console.log(‘Revealed attributes:’, revealedAttributes);
console.log(‘Backend API:’, backendAPI);
// Submit the proof to the backend
const resp = await fetch(${backendAPI}
, {
method: ‘POST’,
headers: { ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’ },
body: JSON.stringify(proof),
if (!resp.ok) {
const errorBody = await resp.json();
throw new Error(Proof submission failed: ${resp.status} - ${errorBody.message}
console of the Proof: Proof:
Yu {presentationContext: ‘4b1d8b82b5dc653ffc7cb24457cb5ae8b1122f59a35ce24f61fb15a22aa16e90’, proof: {…}, type: ‘VerifiablePresentation’, verifiableCredential: Array(1)}
presentationContext: “4b1d8b82b5dc653ffc7cb24457cb5ae8b1122f59a35ce24f61fb15a22aa16e90”
1. created: "2024-10-24T13:19:57.598545422Z"
2. proofValue: Array(0)
1. length: 0
2. [[Prototype]]: Array(0)
3. type: "ConcordiumWeakLinkingProofV1"
- type: “VerifiablePresentation”
- verifiableCredential: Array(1)
1. 0: {credentialSubject: {…}, issuer: 'did:ccd:mainnet:idp:3', type: Array(2)}
2. length: 1
3. [[Prototype]]: Array(0)
- [[Prototype]]: Object
1. constructor: class Yu
2. toString: ƒ toString()
3. [[Prototype]]: Object