Concordium client base58 checksum failed

  • I wish to pass AccountAddress as a parameter in concordium client .

*After executing .\concordium-client.exe --grpc-port 10001 contract show 1435

  • recieve function takes parameter as


  • parameter.json I am providing contains

“address”: “[80,156,103,144,58,218,89,38,133,132,207,35,33,129,13,175,255,251,171,50,98,30,234,14,24,255,60,52,30,1,25,98]”,
“match_id” : “1”

but client displays this error

I followed this article to get AccountAddress

Can you try using a JSON file with an account address in the following format (not the byte format):
“address”: “4phD1qaS3U1nLrzJcgYyiPq1k8aV1wAjTjYVPE3JaqovViXS4j”,
“match_id” : “1”

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