Getting Parse Error while initializing cis2-multi contract

I cloned the concordium contracts from github to initialize the cis-2-multi contract but I’m getting an unexpected error. I went through the error in accordance with docs provided by concordium but still this error persisted.

this is the command i used:
concordium-client contract init MODULE-NAME --sender WALLET-ADDRESS --energy 30000 --contract cis2_multi --grpc-ip

And this is the error that i recieved:

After I went through the files I found out the this is a Parse Error. I don’t understand why this is happening.

Dear Arslan2,

Our cis2_multi smart contract from the example folder has an input parameter ContractTokenAmount.

Your command is missing the input parameter, so you get the parse Error (the input parameter can not be parsed). You can extend your command with the input parameter as follows:

concordium-client contract init MODULE-NAME --sender WALLET-ADDRESS --parameter-json initParameter.json --energy 30000 --contract cis2_multi --grpc-ip

The initParameter.json is a file containing an amount (u64) e.g. for example:


You can also check out below front end which when used in combination with a smart contract module (that has an embedded schema) can help you deploying/initializing and interacting with smart contracts: