Message regarding non-existing initial accounts on iOS

We have received reports from people, whose initial accounts do not exist on the blockchain, while they seem to be correctly verified and active in the Concordium Mobile Wallet for iOS. This is caused by a problem in how the app and the identity provider communicate, leading the app to incorrectly see the initial account and identity as verified. The problem has been resolved in the upcoming version of the Concordium Mobile Wallet for iOS, which we will release as soon as practically possible.

The workaround to the problem in the currently released version of the iOS wallet (v1.0.4), is to request a new initial account and identity with the identity provider, as the non-existing initial account and identity unfortunately cannot be salvaged. To make sure your new initial account and identity is working as intended, you can try to create another account using your new identity. You can follow this guide in our documentation to create another account. If the new account is successful, you can assume that both the initial account, the new account and your identity has been verified and works as intended. If the process of creating a new account keeps failing it is a sign of an incorrectly verified identity, and you can then repeat the process by requesting a new initial account and identity with the identity provider.

If you are a new user of the Concordium Mobile Wallet for iOS v1.0.4 and have just made your first account or are just about to, we suggest you also make the check described above and create an additional account, to make sure your identification process was completed correctly.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience, and we are working hard to get the new version of the Concordium Mobile Wallet for iOS released as soon as practically possible.

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