Enum variant '"Enum"' does not exist

I am trying to build the following example https://github.com/Concordium/concordium-rust-smart-contracts/tree/main/examples/credential-registry

I am able to deploy the command, however when i try to invoke the registerCrediential method it throws the following error

Error: Could not decode parameters from file ‘contracts/hash-reg/dist/reg_crediential.json’ as JSON:
Enum variant ‘“Enum”’ does not exist in:
“Enum”: [
“None”: []
“Some”: [
In field ‘hash’.
In {
“hash”: {
“Enum”: [
“None”: []
“Some”: [
“url”: “”
In field ‘metadata_url’.
In {
“holder_id”: “c9762a4d5ba0ac17e4190428e140d897f4012ed4c4d0780064ebb780a7a46abb”,
“holder_revocable”: true,
“metadata_url”: {
“hash”: {
“Enum”: [
“None”: []
“Some”: [
“url”: “”
“valid_from”: “Timestamp::from_timestamp_millis(0)”,
“valid_until”: “None”
In field ‘credential_info’.
In {
“auxiliary_data”: [
“credential_info”: {
“holder_id”: “c9762a4d5ba0ac17e4190428e140d897f4012ed4c4d0780064ebb780a7a46abb”,
“holder_revocable”: true,
“metadata_url”: {
“hash”: {
“Enum”: [
“None”: []
“Some”: [
“url”: “”
“valid_from”: “Timestamp::from_timestamp_millis(0)”,
“valid_until”: “None”

Any help will be appreciated

I would expect the JSON to look something like this:

    "credential_info": {
        "holder_id": "c9762a4d5ba0ac17e4190428e140d897f4012ed4c4d0780064ebb780a7a46abb",
        "holder_revocable": true,
        "valid_from": "2023-08-24T12:00:00",
        "valid_until": {"None": []},
        "metadata_url": {
            "url": "",
            "hash": {"None": []}
    "auxilary_data": [44]

Thx alot, it worked!