Error: A GRPC error occurred: Query timed out

Hey, I’m trying to deploy contract on Concordium testnet, but always getting this error. Does anyone know how to solve it?
I’m running a node on Windows, I was following this instructions:

here are my commands:
./concordium-client module deploy ./concordium-out/module.wasm.v1 --sender name --name trace_module --grpc-port 10001
Warning: The module does not have embedded build information.
It will likely not be possible to match this module to source code.
Proceed [yN]: y
Using default energy amount of 47634 NRG.
Deploy the module ‘./concordium-out/module.wasm.v1’ and name it ‘trace_module’.
Allowing up to 47634 NRG to be spent as transaction fee.
Confirm [yN]: y
Deploying module…
Error: A GRPC error occurred: Query timed out.

Would you try grpc-port 20001 instead?

I have active 10001 port when I try it with 20001 I get:
./concordium-client module deploy ./concordium-out/module.wasm.v1 --sender emi --name trace_module --grpc-port 20001
Warning: The module does not have embedded build information.
It will likely not be possible to match this module to source code.
Proceed [yN]: y
Using default energy amount of 47634 NRG.
Proceed [yN]: y
Using default energy amount of 47634 NRG.
Using default energy amount of 47634 NRG.
Using default energy amount of 47634 NRG.
Deploy the module ‘./concordium-out/module.wasm.v1’ and name it ‘trace_module’.
Allowing up to 47634 NRG to be spent as transaction fee.
Confirm [yN]: y
Deploying module…
Error: A GRPC error occurred: GRPC error: account or block not found.

Hi emi159,
the error GRPC error: account or block not found can occure if your node is not fully synced to the top of the chain (e.g. the node is not aware of your recently deployed account). Another case can be if you try to use an account (to the deploy the smart contract) from testnet but the node is on mainnet or vice verca.

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Based on your screenshot, it looks like your node is not yet synced, as @Doris says, and it will likely take a couple of of days before it is fully synced. In the meantime, you can use the public Concordium GRPC node to submit transactions:

./concordium-client --grpc-ip --secure module deploy ./concordium-out/module.wasm.v1 --sender emi --name trace_module

or use our front-end: