I have been developing smart contract on concordium.
I got the following error:
Error: Could not build smart contract.
Caused by:
0: Could not validate resulting smart contract module.
1: Disallowed import.
What does this mean? How could I solve it?
I use only concordium_std module.
This would typically mean that you are using incompatible versions of cargo-concordium and concordium-std.
What versions are you using?
Thank you for replying.
I use concordium-std 3.0 and cargo-concordium 1.0.0.
That is indeed the issue. concordium-std 3.0 will only work with cargo-concordium version 2.0.1 or later.
We have released this tool already Downloads - Testnet — Concordium documentation so if you just upgrade you should be able to progress and build your contracts.