Error occurred after reboot our node, and the rpc is not available, returns connect: connection refused

Errors occurred after reboot our node, and the RPC is not available, returns connect: connection refused.
I am using the official docker-compose.yaml to setup the node.

the following is the error logs

mainnet-node-collector | 2024-06-17T12:18:36.473861833Z: INFO: Collecting node information via gRPC from docker-test-mainnet/http://mainnet-node:10000
mainnet-node-collector | 2024-06-17T12:18:36.474634066Z: ERROR: gRPC failed with “transport error” for http://mainnet-node:10000, sleeping for 5000 ms

Hello ASD,

Please use port: 20000.

Best regards,

container_name: mainnet-node-collector
image: concordium/mainnet-node:latest
- CONCORDIUM_NODE_COLLECTOR_GRPC_HOST=http://mainnet-node:20000

here is the newest logs:

mainnet-node-collector | 2024-06-17T13:02:21.939661764Z: INFO: Collecting node information via gRPC from docker-test-mainnet/http://mainnet-node:20000

the logs has 2 parts, one for Error, other is show received block like this

mainnet-node-collector | 2024-06-17T13:04:36.939702282Z: INFO: Collecting node information via gRPC from docker-test-mainnet/h t t p / /:mainnet-node:20000
mainnet-node-collector | 2024-06-17T13:04:36.940373977Z: ERROR: gRPC failed with “transport error” for h t t p / /:mainnet-node:20000, sleeping for 5000 ms
mainnet-node | 2024-06-17T13:04:38.753023302Z: INFO: Konsensus: Block 186925ef91512393fc8487267587ec5595f66f4312b24999ef6892b4e52ece55 received.
mainnet-node | 2024-06-17T13:04:38.779025363Z: INFO: Konsensus: Block 186925ef91512393fc8487267587ec5595f66f4312b24999ef6892b4e52ece55 arrived at 2024-06-17 13:04:38.778965379 UTC. Processed in 0.026474838s.
mainnet-node | 2024-06-17T13:04:38.973323509Z: INFO: Konsensus: Block b8c970af37b9bf393d8bc2d3b079c6e5828a2f3cb98d7c097532ca4e27fbfb7b (round 10842796) finalized at height 10698642

Hi asd

Does the mainnet-node-collector show the error continuously, or just the once? When I run the mainnet configuration from the developer documentation, it gives the error once, and then it starts working correctly, which can be seen from the logs

2024-06-17T13:14:38.375804930Z: INFO: Collecting node information via gRPC from docker-test-mainnet-snm/http://mainnet-node:20000
2024-06-17T13:14:43.376121551Z: INFO: Collecting node information via gRPC from docker-test-mainnet-snm/http://mainnet-node:20000
2024-06-17T13:14:48.376310219Z: INFO: Collecting node information via gRPC from docker-test-mainnet-snm/http://mainnet-node:20000

It can also be seen by searching for the name specified in the environment var CONCORDIUM_NODE_COLLECTOR_NODE_NAME on, if ccdscan shows the node as being up and the “Last finalized block height” keeps incrementing, then it is working correctly.

thanks your help, our node is working now, CCDScan

but it seems like there are some changes from grpc to grpc v2, we got rpc error when call ‘GetConsensusStatus’

rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc =

I think it changed name to ‘GetConsensusInfo’ (‘concordium.v2.Queries.GetConsensusInfo’), and probably the output has changed as well.

The grpc api is defined here: concordium-grpc-api/v2/concordium/service.proto at main · Concordium/concordium-grpc-api · GitHub

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