Error on connection to node v7.0.5

For the connection to the our server we are using @concordium/node-sdk package with the latest version 9.5.3
Since the GRPC V1 was deprecated we needed to switch from using the JsonRPCClient to use the ConcordiumGRPCClient from common-sdk that is inside the package.

are old code was

const {
} = require('@concordium/node-sdk');

constructor() {
this.client = new ConcordiumGRPCClient(new HttpProvider(concordiumJSONNode + ':' + concordiumJSONPort));

but when we chaged to use the ConcordiumGRPCClient we are getting an error

const {
} = require('@concordium/node-sdk');
const { GrpcTransport } = require('@protobuf-ts/grpc-transport');
const grpc = require('@grpc/grpc-js');

constructor() {
const transport = new GrpcTransport({
      host: `${concordiumJSONPort}:${concordiumJSONPort}`,
      channelCredentials: grpc.credentials.createSsl(),
      http2Options: {
          keepaliveTimeoutMs: 10000,
          keepalivePermitWithoutCalls: 1,
    this.client = new ConcordiumGRPCClient(transport);

and we are getting this error on a health check

const check = await client.healthCheck();
 isHealthy: false,
 message: 'Received RST_STREAM with code 2 triggered by internal client error: Protocol error'

any ideas what am i missing?
thank you in advance

Hi there
Just took a quick glance and the value of host looks off, maybe you meant to use concordiumJSONNode.

Thank you… we where able to solved it…
we where trying to connect client to the old JsonRpcClient port…