Error: Transaction not accepted by the baker: GRPC response with status 'INVALID_ARGUMENT': GRPC error: Stale


I am trying to mint tokens using Initialize, build, and deploy the smart contract — Concordium documentation, however I keep recieving the following error

Error: Transaction not accepted by the baker: GRPC response with status ‘INVALID_ARGUMENT’: GRPC error: Stale.

The command I am running is following

./concordium-client contract update 8385 --entrypoint mint --parameter-json /home/yasir/concordium_dev/contracts/nft/nft-artifects/nft-params.json --schema /home/yasir/concordium_dev/contracts/nft/nft-review/dist/cis2-nft/schema.bin --sender Yasir --energy 6000 --grpc-port 20000 --grpc-ip

nft-params.json is following

“owner”: {
“Account”: [“3MRLmmWoEjLipzxTQF1A6Ex2n3TuEiTvfpWNGVxJ1xuSTNvhvf”]
“tokens”: [“00000001”]

Any help is appreciated

I have seen a Stale error in the browser wallet, when my local time in the laptop (timezone or time) was set wrongly. The reason is that the transaction is created with an expiry time and if my local time is wrong then the node rejected it because the expire time was too much in the future or past.

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