How do I use TokenIdVec as smart contract token id?

network: testnet
platform: macOS using cargo concordium
libraries: cargo-concordium 2.1.0, concordium-client 4.1.0.

Hello I have an issue regarding the TokenIdVec. When I try to use it as the token id on my smart contract I get this error:

I have followed this tutorial when I built the contract. You can see the whole here on ipfs.

Can someone help me how to get any further? It looks like the library does not support TokenIdVec.


TokenIdVec is a bit less convenient to use since it is not Copy, so you have to insert manual .clone calls in a few places.

Here is the modification of the cis2-nft contract using the TokenIdVec

//! A NFT smart contract example using the Concordium Token Standard CIS2.
//! # Description
//! An instance of this smart contract can contain a number of different token
//! each identified by a token ID. A token is then globally identified by the
//! contract address together with the token ID.
//! In this example the contract is initialized with no tokens, and tokens can
//! be minted through a `mint` contract function, which will only succeed for
//! the contract owner. No functionality to burn token is defined in this
//! example.
//! Note: The word 'address' refers to either an account address or a
//! contract address.
//! As follows from the CIS2 specification, the contract has a `transfer`
//! function for transferring an amount of a specific token type from one
//! address to another address. An address can enable and disable one or more
//! addresses as operators. An operator of some address is allowed to transfer
//! any tokens owned by this address.

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]

use concordium_cis2::*;
use concordium_std::*;

/// The baseurl for the token metadata, gets appended with the token ID as hex
/// encoding before emitted in the TokenMetadata event.
const TOKEN_METADATA_BASE_URL: &str = "https://some.example/token/";

/// List of supported standards by this contract address.
const SUPPORTS_STANDARDS: [StandardIdentifier<'static>; 2] =

// Types

/// Contract token ID type.
/// To save bytes we use a token ID type limited to a `u32`.
type ContractTokenId = TokenIdVec;

/// Contract token amount.
/// Since the tokens are non-fungible the total supply of any token will be at
/// most 1 and it is fine to use a small type for representing token amounts.
type ContractTokenAmount = TokenAmountU8;

/// The parameter for the contract function `mint` which mints a number of
/// tokens to a given address.
#[derive(Serial, Deserial, SchemaType)]
struct MintParams {
    /// Owner of the newly minted tokens.
    owner:  Address,
    /// A collection of tokens to mint.
    #[concordium(size_length = 1)]
    tokens: Vec<ContractTokenId>,

/// The state for each address.
#[derive(Serial, DeserialWithState, Deletable, StateClone)]
#[concordium(state_parameter = "S")]
struct AddressState<S> {
    /// The tokens owned by this address.
    owned_tokens: StateSet<ContractTokenId, S>,
    /// The address which are currently enabled as operators for this address.
    operators:    StateSet<Address, S>,

impl<S: HasStateApi> AddressState<S> {
    fn empty(state_builder: &mut StateBuilder<S>) -> Self {
        AddressState {
            owned_tokens: state_builder.new_set(),
            operators:    state_builder.new_set(),

/// The contract state.
// Note: The specification does not specify how to structure the contract state
// and this could be structured in a more space efficient way depending on the use case.
#[derive(Serial, DeserialWithState, StateClone)]
#[concordium(state_parameter = "S")]
struct State<S> {
    /// The state for each address.
    state:        StateMap<Address, AddressState<S>, S>,
    /// All of the token IDs
    all_tokens:   StateSet<ContractTokenId, S>,
    /// Map with contract addresses providing implementations of additional
    /// standards.
    implementors: StateMap<StandardIdentifierOwned, Vec<ContractAddress>, S>,

/// The parameter type for the contract function `setImplementors`.
/// Takes a standard identifier and list of contract addresses providing
/// implementations of this standard.
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, SchemaType)]
struct SetImplementorsParams {
    /// The identifier for the standard.
    id:           StandardIdentifierOwned,
    /// The addresses of the implementors of the standard.
    implementors: Vec<ContractAddress>,

/// The custom errors the contract can produce.
#[derive(Serialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Reject, SchemaType)]
enum CustomContractError {
    /// Failed parsing the parameter.
    /// Failed logging: Log is full.
    /// Failed logging: Log is malformed.
    /// Failing to mint new tokens because one of the token IDs already exists
    /// in this contract.
    /// Failed to invoke a contract.

/// Wrapping the custom errors in a type with CIS1 errors.
type ContractError = Cis2Error<CustomContractError>;

type ContractResult<A> = Result<A, ContractError>;

/// Mapping the logging errors to CustomContractError.
impl From<LogError> for CustomContractError {
    fn from(le: LogError) -> Self {
        match le {
            LogError::Full => Self::LogFull,
            LogError::Malformed => Self::LogMalformed,

/// Mapping errors related to contract invocations to CustomContractError.
impl<T> From<CallContractError<T>> for CustomContractError {
    fn from(_cce: CallContractError<T>) -> Self { Self::InvokeContractError }

/// Mapping CustomContractError to ContractError
impl From<CustomContractError> for ContractError {
    fn from(c: CustomContractError) -> Self { Cis2Error::Custom(c) }

// Functions for creating, updating and querying the contract state.
impl<S: HasStateApi> State<S> {
    /// Creates a new state with no tokens.
    fn empty(state_builder: &mut StateBuilder<S>) -> Self {
        State {
            state:        state_builder.new_map(),
            all_tokens:   state_builder.new_set(),
            implementors: state_builder.new_map(),

    /// Mint a new token with a given address as the owner
    fn mint(
        &mut self,
        token: ContractTokenId,
        owner: &Address,
        state_builder: &mut StateBuilder<S>,
    ) -> ContractResult<()> {
        ensure!(self.all_tokens.insert(token.clone()), CustomContractError::TokenIdAlreadyExists.into());

        let mut owner_state =
            self.state.entry(*owner).or_insert_with(|| AddressState::empty(state_builder));

    /// Check that the token ID currently exists in this contract.
    fn contains_token(&self, token_id: &ContractTokenId) -> bool {

    /// Get the current balance of a given token ID for a given address.
    /// Results in an error if the token ID does not exist in the state.
    /// Since this contract only contains NFTs, the balance will always be
    /// either 1 or 0.
    fn balance(
        token_id: &ContractTokenId,
        address: &Address,
    ) -> ContractResult<ContractTokenAmount> {
        ensure!(self.contains_token(token_id), ContractError::InvalidTokenId);
        let balance = self
            .map(|address_state| {
                if address_state.owned_tokens.contains(token_id) {
                } else {

    /// Check if a given address is an operator of a given owner address.
    fn is_operator(&self, address: &Address, owner: &Address) -> bool {
            .map(|address_state| address_state.operators.contains(address))

    /// Update the state with a transfer of some token.
    /// Results in an error if the token ID does not exist in the state or if
    /// the from address have insufficient tokens to do the transfer.
    fn transfer(
        &mut self,
        token_id: &ContractTokenId,
        amount: ContractTokenAmount,
        from: &Address,
        to: &Address,
        state_builder: &mut StateBuilder<S>,
    ) -> ContractResult<()> {
        ensure!(self.contains_token(token_id), ContractError::InvalidTokenId);
        // A zero transfer does not modify the state.
        if amount == 0.into() {
            return Ok(());
        // Since this contract only contains NFTs, no one will have an amount greater
        // than 1. And since the amount cannot be the zero at this point, the
        // address must have insufficient funds for any amount other than 1.
        ensure_eq!(amount, 1.into(), ContractError::InsufficientFunds);

            let mut from_address_state =
            // Find and remove the token from the owner, if nothing is removed, we know the
            // address did not own the token..
            let from_had_the_token = from_address_state.owned_tokens.remove(token_id);
            ensure!(from_had_the_token, ContractError::InsufficientFunds);

        // Add the token to the new owner.
        let mut to_address_state =
            self.state.entry(*to).or_insert_with(|| AddressState::empty(state_builder));

    /// Update the state adding a new operator for a given address.
    /// Succeeds even if the `operator` is already an operator for the
    /// `address`.
    fn add_operator(
        &mut self,
        owner: &Address,
        operator: &Address,
        state_builder: &mut StateBuilder<S>,
    ) {
        let mut owner_state =
            self.state.entry(*owner).or_insert_with(|| AddressState::empty(state_builder));

    /// Update the state removing an operator for a given address.
    /// Succeeds even if the `operator` is _not_ an operator for the `address`.
    fn remove_operator(&mut self, owner: &Address, operator: &Address) {
        self.state.entry(*owner).and_modify(|address_state| {

    /// Check if state contains any implementors for a given standard.
    fn have_implementors(&self, std_id: &StandardIdentifierOwned) -> SupportResult {
        if let Some(addresses) = self.implementors.get(std_id) {
        } else {

    /// Set implementors for a given standard.
    fn set_implementors(
        &mut self,
        std_id: StandardIdentifierOwned,
        implementors: Vec<ContractAddress>,
    ) {
        self.implementors.insert(std_id, implementors);

/// Build a string from TOKEN_METADATA_BASE_URL appended with the token ID
/// encoded as hex.
fn build_token_metadata_url(token_id: &ContractTokenId) -> String {
    let mut token_metadata_url = String::from(TOKEN_METADATA_BASE_URL);

// Contract functions

/// Initialize contract instance with no token types initially.
#[init(contract = "CIS2-NFT")]
fn contract_init<S: HasStateApi>(
    _ctx: &impl HasInitContext,
    state_builder: &mut StateBuilder<S>,
) -> InitResult<State<S>> {
    // Construct the initial contract state.

#[derive(Serialize, SchemaType)]
struct ViewAddressState {
    owned_tokens: Vec<ContractTokenId>,
    operators:    Vec<Address>,

#[derive(Serialize, SchemaType)]
struct ViewState {
    state:      Vec<(Address, ViewAddressState)>,
    all_tokens: Vec<ContractTokenId>,

/// View function that returns the entire contents of the state. Meant for
/// testing.
#[receive(contract = "CIS2-NFT", name = "view", return_value = "ViewState")]
fn contract_view<S: HasStateApi>(
    _ctx: &impl HasReceiveContext,
    host: &impl HasHost<State<S>, StateApiType = S>,
) -> ReceiveResult<ViewState> {
    let state = host.state();

    let mut inner_state = Vec::new();
    for (k, a_state) in state.state.iter() {
        let owned_tokens = a_state.owned_tokens.iter().map(|x| x.clone()).collect();
        let operators = a_state.operators.iter().map(|x| *x).collect();
        inner_state.push((*k, ViewAddressState {
    let all_tokens = state.all_tokens.iter().map(|x| x.clone()).collect();

    Ok(ViewState {
        state: inner_state,

/// Mint new tokens with a given address as the owner of these tokens.
/// Can only be called by the contract owner.
/// Logs a `Mint` and a `TokenMetadata` event for each token.
/// The url for the token metadata is the token ID encoded in hex, appended on
/// It rejects if:
/// - The sender is not the contract instance owner.
/// - Fails to parse parameter.
/// - Any of the tokens fails to be minted, which could be if:
///     - The minted token ID already exists.
///     - Fails to log Mint event
///     - Fails to log TokenMetadata event
/// Note: Can at most mint 32 token types in one call due to the limit on the
/// number of logs a smart contract can produce on each function call.
    contract = "CIS2-NFT",
    name = "mint",
    parameter = "MintParams",
    error = "ContractError",
fn contract_mint<S: HasStateApi>(
    ctx: &impl HasReceiveContext,
    host: &mut impl HasHost<State<S>, StateApiType = S>,
    logger: &mut impl HasLogger,
) -> ContractResult<()> {
    // Get the contract owner
    let owner = ctx.owner();
    // Get the sender of the transaction
    let sender = ctx.sender();

    ensure!(sender.matches_account(&owner), ContractError::Unauthorized);

    // Parse the parameter.
    let params: MintParams = ctx.parameter_cursor().get()?;

    let (state, builder) = host.state_and_builder();

    for token_id in params.tokens.into_iter() {
        // Mint the token in the state., &params.owner, builder)?;

        // Event for minted NFT.
        logger.log(&Cis2Event::Mint(MintEvent {
            token_id: token_id.clone(),
            amount: ContractTokenAmount::from(1),
            owner: params.owner,

        let metadata_url = MetadataUrl {
                url:  build_token_metadata_url(&token_id),
                hash: None,

        // Metadata URL for the NFT.
        logger.log(&Cis2Event::TokenMetadata::<_, ContractTokenAmount>(TokenMetadataEvent {

type TransferParameter = TransferParams<ContractTokenId, ContractTokenAmount>;

/// Execute a list of token transfers, in the order of the list.
/// Logs a `Transfer` event and invokes a receive hook function for every
/// transfer in the list.
/// It rejects if:
/// - It fails to parse the parameter.
/// - Any of the transfers fail to be executed, which could be if:
///     - The `token_id` does not exist.
///     - The sender is not the owner of the token, or an operator for this
///       specific `token_id` and `from` address.
///     - The token is not owned by the `from`.
/// - Fails to log event.
/// - Any of the receive hook function calls rejects.
    contract = "CIS2-NFT",
    name = "transfer",
    parameter = "TransferParameter",
    error = "ContractError",
fn contract_transfer<S: HasStateApi>(
    ctx: &impl HasReceiveContext,
    host: &mut impl HasHost<State<S>, StateApiType = S>,
    logger: &mut impl HasLogger,
) -> ContractResult<()> {
    // Parse the parameter.
    let TransferParams(transfers): TransferParameter = ctx.parameter_cursor().get()?;
    // Get the sender who invoked this contract function.
    let sender = ctx.sender();

    for Transfer {
    } in transfers
        let (state, builder) = host.state_and_builder();
        // Authenticate the sender for this transfer
        ensure!(from == sender || state.is_operator(&sender, &from), ContractError::Unauthorized);
        let to_address = to.address();
        // Update the contract state
        state.transfer(&token_id, amount, &from, &to_address, builder)?;

        // Log transfer event
        logger.log(&Cis2Event::Transfer(TransferEvent {
            token_id: token_id.clone(),
            to: to_address,

        // If the receiver is a contract: invoke the receive hook function.
        if let Receiver::Contract(address, function) = to {
            let parameter = OnReceivingCis2Params {

/// Enable or disable addresses as operators of the sender address.
/// Logs an `UpdateOperator` event.
/// It rejects if:
/// - It fails to parse the parameter.
/// - Fails to log event.
    contract = "CIS2-NFT",
    name = "updateOperator",
    parameter = "UpdateOperatorParams",
    error = "ContractError",
fn contract_update_operator<S: HasStateApi>(
    ctx: &impl HasReceiveContext,
    host: &mut impl HasHost<State<S>, StateApiType = S>,
    logger: &mut impl HasLogger,
) -> ContractResult<()> {
    // Parse the parameter.
    let UpdateOperatorParams(params) = ctx.parameter_cursor().get()?;
    // Get the sender who invoked this contract function.
    let sender = ctx.sender();
    let (state, builder) = host.state_and_builder();
    for param in params {
        // Update the operator in the state.
        match param.update {
            OperatorUpdate::Add => state.add_operator(&sender, &param.operator, builder),
            OperatorUpdate::Remove => state.remove_operator(&sender, &param.operator),

        // Log the appropriate event
        logger.log(&Cis2Event::<ContractTokenId, ContractTokenAmount>::UpdateOperator(
            UpdateOperatorEvent {
                owner:    sender,
                operator: param.operator,
                update:   param.update,


/// Takes a list of queries. Each query is an owner address and some address to
/// check as an operator of the owner address.
/// It rejects if:
/// - It fails to parse the parameter.
    contract = "CIS2-NFT",
    name = "operatorOf",
    parameter = "OperatorOfQueryParams",
    return_value = "OperatorOfQueryResponse",
    error = "ContractError"
fn contract_operator_of<S: HasStateApi>(
    ctx: &impl HasReceiveContext,
    host: &impl HasHost<State<S>, StateApiType = S>,
) -> ContractResult<OperatorOfQueryResponse> {
    // Parse the parameter.
    let params: OperatorOfQueryParams = ctx.parameter_cursor().get()?;
    // Build the response.
    let mut response = Vec::with_capacity(params.queries.len());
    for query in params.queries {
        // Query the state for address being an operator of owner.
        let is_operator = host.state().is_operator(&query.address, &query.owner);
    let result = OperatorOfQueryResponse::from(response);

/// Parameter type for the CIS-2 function `balanceOf` specialized to the subset
/// of TokenIDs used by this contract.
type ContractBalanceOfQueryParams = BalanceOfQueryParams<ContractTokenId>;
/// Response type for the CIS-2 function `balanceOf` specialized to the subset
/// of TokenAmounts used by this contract.
type ContractBalanceOfQueryResponse = BalanceOfQueryResponse<ContractTokenAmount>;

/// Get the balance of given token IDs and addresses.
/// It rejects if:
/// - It fails to parse the parameter.
/// - Any of the queried `token_id` does not exist.
    contract = "CIS2-NFT",
    name = "balanceOf",
    parameter = "ContractBalanceOfQueryParams",
    return_value = "ContractBalanceOfQueryResponse",
    error = "ContractError"
fn contract_balance_of<S: HasStateApi>(
    ctx: &impl HasReceiveContext,
    host: &impl HasHost<State<S>, StateApiType = S>,
) -> ContractResult<ContractBalanceOfQueryResponse> {
    // Parse the parameter.
    let params: ContractBalanceOfQueryParams = ctx.parameter_cursor().get()?;
    // Build the response.
    let mut response = Vec::with_capacity(params.queries.len());
    for query in params.queries {
        // Query the state for balance.
        let amount = host.state().balance(&query.token_id, &query.address)?;
    let result = ContractBalanceOfQueryResponse::from(response);

/// Parameter type for the CIS-2 function `tokenMetadata` specialized to the
/// subset of TokenIDs used by this contract.
type ContractTokenMetadataQueryParams = TokenMetadataQueryParams<ContractTokenId>;

/// Get the token metadata URLs and checksums given a list of token IDs.
/// It rejects if:
/// - It fails to parse the parameter.
/// - Any of the queried `token_id` does not exist.
    contract = "CIS2-NFT",
    name = "tokenMetadata",
    parameter = "ContractTokenMetadataQueryParams",
    return_value = "TokenMetadataQueryResponse",
    error = "ContractError"
fn contract_token_metadata<S: HasStateApi>(
    ctx: &impl HasReceiveContext,
    host: &impl HasHost<State<S>, StateApiType = S>,
) -> ContractResult<TokenMetadataQueryResponse> {
    // Parse the parameter.
    let params: ContractTokenMetadataQueryParams = ctx.parameter_cursor().get()?;
    // Build the response.
    let mut response = Vec::with_capacity(params.queries.len());
    for token_id in params.queries {
        // Check the token exists.
        ensure!(host.state().contains_token(&token_id), ContractError::InvalidTokenId);

        let metadata_url = MetadataUrl {
            url:  build_token_metadata_url(&token_id),
            hash: None,
    let result = TokenMetadataQueryResponse::from(response);

/// Get the supported standards or addresses for a implementation given list of
/// standard identifiers.
/// It rejects if:
/// - It fails to parse the parameter.
    contract = "CIS2-NFT",
    name = "supports",
    parameter = "SupportsQueryParams",
    return_value = "SupportsQueryResponse",
    error = "ContractError"
fn contract_supports<S: HasStateApi>(
    ctx: &impl HasReceiveContext,
    host: &impl HasHost<State<S>, StateApiType = S>,
) -> ContractResult<SupportsQueryResponse> {
    // Parse the parameter.
    let params: SupportsQueryParams = ctx.parameter_cursor().get()?;

    // Build the response.
    let mut response = Vec::with_capacity(params.queries.len());
    for std_id in params.queries {
        if SUPPORTS_STANDARDS.contains(&std_id.as_standard_identifier()) {
        } else {
    let result = SupportsQueryResponse::from(response);

/// Set the addresses for an implementation given a standard identifier and a
/// list of contract addresses.
/// It rejects if:
/// - Sender is not the owner of the contract instance.
/// - It fails to parse the parameter.
    contract = "CIS2-NFT",
    name = "setImplementors",
    parameter = "SetImplementorsParams",
    error = "ContractError",
fn contract_set_implementor<S: HasStateApi>(
    ctx: &impl HasReceiveContext,
    host: &mut impl HasHost<State<S>, StateApiType = S>,
) -> ContractResult<()> {
    // Authorize the sender.
    ensure!(ctx.sender().matches_account(&ctx.owner()), ContractError::Unauthorized);
    // Parse the parameter.
    let params: SetImplementorsParams = ctx.parameter_cursor().get()?;
    // Update the implementors in the state
    host.state_mut().set_implementors(, params.implementors);

I hope this helps you.

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