How to create instance of Issuer Contract Module via concordium-client

I am trying to create an instance of the Issuer Module (9630530e200d01cbf15890eb322e513755df1ba88bc5efac1cbead8002d24857) via the concordium-client tool. I suppose it is possible. I can’t run the init (with params) because I don’t have the schema. I can see the base64 schema in the GitHub code but how can I convert it to binary so that I can pass it for the param --schema? Thanks.

This module has an embedded schema so you do not need to supply it separately.

You just need to provide the parameter.

If you run

concordium-client --grpc-ip module inspect 9630530e200d01cbf15890eb322e513755df1ba88bc5efac1cbead8002d24857

you will see the schema.

In particular you can see the schema for the parameter to the init method

            "credential_type": {
                "credential_type": "<String>"
            "issuer_account": {
                "Enum": [
                        "None": []
                        "Some": [
            "issuer_key": "<String with lowercase hex>",
            "issuer_metadata": {
                "hash": {
                    "Enum": [
                            "None": []
                            "Some": [
                                "<String with lowercase hex>"
                "url": "<String>"
            "revocation_keys": [
                "<String with lowercase hex>"
            "schema": {
                "schema_ref": {
                    "hash": {
                        "Enum": [
                                "None": []
                                "Some": [
                                    "<String with lowercase hex>"
                    "url": "<String>"