How to generate new KEYS for adding to an account?

Hi, I have a question about Concordium Client β€” Concordium documentation.
I could not find a command to generate KEYS parameters.
Is there any hint or code?

I can give an explanation, but I don’t think any tools directly support constructing those files.

The documentation already explains the structure, which is basically a mapping of indices to keypairs.

Keypairs are just ed25519 keypairs, but where the secret key is encrypted. The encryption is just AES, and you can use the Auxiliary Tools β€” Concordium documentation tool to produce the encryption in the correct format.

Note that that command is for adding keys only to the local configuration. In order to use them you would have to add them to the account also on the chain. This is done with update-credentials.

Perhaps if you outline your use-case, I can give more useful advice.

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I wanted to implement credential updates using the SDK. Now I understand that.
Thank you for your reply!

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Hi newsnow
can please help me in this i want to create a new keypair as well as address of the concordium ?

Thanks & Regards

You cannot just generate a new address. All accounts on concordium must be derived from an identity.

So I am not sure what you are asking for exactly. You can create accounts using wallets, and then export those keys.

abizjak Thanks for the reply

I need to create a new fresh using concordium nodejs sdk for that I am not able to find any function which provide me the address of the concordium wallet.

This is the repository I found that basically creates the keypair but not the address.

Thanks & Regards

This repository is also helpful
but I need to get to know where and what is the data inside credIn that object is passing?