When trying to use our Debian package to run a baker node, if you experience something like the following error:
May 02 09:37:44 hjort-pc systemd[25877]: concordium-testnet-node.service: Failed at step NAMESPACE spawning /usr/bin/concordium-testnet-node-3.0.2: No such file or directory
May 02 09:37:44 hjort-pc systemd[25877]: concordium-testnet-node.service: Failed to set up mount namespacing: /run/systemd/unit-root/var/lib/private/concordium-9dd9ca4d19e9393877d2c44b70f89acbfc0883c2243e5eeaecc0d1cd0503f478/baker-credentials.json: No such file or directory
It is likely because the baker-credentials file your have linked in your configuration does not exist, like this:
I ran into these errors and were confused, So I’ll document it here, in case someone else have the same issue.