The error “cannot decrypt signing key with index 0: decryption failure: wrong password” suggests that the password entered is incorrect for decrypting the signing key, or the user keys are not present.
Ensure that you are using the correct password associated with your wallet or credential. Verify that the credential index is correct and the key file is accessible and not corrupted.
I’m certain the password is correct since I’m able to deploy other modules using this password.
Following your link I’m trying to check the account with concordium-client config show. I do not have ‘cidx’ and ‘kidx’, they are just named ‘0’ and ‘0’. Do I need to set that with the steps here Concordium Client — Concordium documentation in order for it to work?
If you are certain the password is correct but still encountering issues, you may need to explicitly set the credential index (cidx) and key index (kidx). Use the following commands to ensure they are correctly configured:
Check the current configuration:
concordium-client config show
Set the credential and key indices:
concordium-client config set cidx 0
concordium-client config set kidx 0
cwd % concordium-client config -h
Usage: concordium-client config COMMAND
Commands for inspecting and changing local configuration.
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
Available commands:
init Initialize configuration.
show Show configuration.
export-backup Save config to backup file, optionally encrypted with a password
import-backup Import config backup file, requires password if encrypted
account Commands for inspecting and changing account-specific configuration.
I’ve tried to add a new account to the wallet, but I have the same issue Any other ideas?
Hi limemloh. It asks for a password to show the private key, when I click on “Export private key”, but that is just the password to the wallet and with that, I’m able to do the export. But when I use the same password for deploying, it fails…