Unable to serialize parameters, due to: Too many fields provided

I’m trying to call the mint function of an nft smart contract using the node sdk but i get this error

Unable to serialize parameters, due to: Too many fields provided

    const paramJson = {
        owner: account,
        token_id: '1',
        metadata_url: 'https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmZ3939dLLFzvYZjFnkdqACe2n9TQA8Rx4efbjaYTXteeu',
        amount: 1
    const updateParams = serializeUpdateContractParameters(

Hi there
Which smart contract are you using for this, and what is the mint parameter struct in Rust?

If you are using this one and have not modified the mint parameter, it is something like:

  "owner": { "Account": ["<account address in base58>"] },
  "tokens": ["<8 characters for the token ID in hex>" ] // more could be added to this list

Since you are using JS, consider using our smart contract client generator, since it will generate a lot of the boilerplate for your smart contract and provide typescript types.