Company ID ZK proofs

Hello Support,

We got our company identity on the test-net approved and created the first account using the web wallet. All is ready with commitments for the new set of attributes.

Some testing making zk proofs, for example for legalName:

Attribute in range:

  • legalName
  • Lower: Test ApS
  • Upper: Test ApS

We get this:
Could not get proof: Statement is not well-formed: Unknown attributeTag: legalName

Are some of the codebases still pending updates?


Any updates on this?

Both of our verifiers have been updated to support revealAttributes of the company ID

We intend to allow the setMembership/notSetMemebership proofs for the legalCountry attribute (not merged yet)

Range proof seems not so much applicable for the attributes in the company ID (they are mainly strings).

Thanks. Do you plan to update the Proof Explorer to include company ID-based options in the drop-down menus as well? Proof explorer 1.1.0

yes, we are working on it.

Great! We are happy to assist with the explorer test using our company ID on the test net from Global Finreg. Ping here when you’re ready.

You most likely want to also wait until we release a new browserWallet and/or CryptoX Mobile wallet (since the wallets need to be updated to generate these proofs with the company ID as well). - We are working on that part as well.

Okay makes sense. We plan to use the browserWallet

For planning purposes, when is the browser wallet release expected?

We haven’t yet set a release date for the wallets with this feature. I can share the current plan so:

  • The webSDK has been updated (for revealing attributes). Merge PR enabling setMemebership/notSetMembership in Rust SDK. Create a similar PR for webSDK.
  • Update browser wallet to new webSDK version (so the wallet can create these proofs)
  • Release:
    • new browser wallet
    • new CryptoX wallet
  • Update/release of proof explorer (so the backend can verify these proofs)

Thanks, it looks good. Is this happening in the short term. At least for the test-net. I read somewhere that the test-net was in July and the main-net in August.

Hello, can you provide a short update on the status of this? Thanks!

the proof explorer front-end + back-end has been updated and supports the new company ID proofs verification now. We have an internal Android CryptoX mobile wallet build that already generates such proofs (will be released to the public at some point). The support of the same proof generation in the browser wallet, is what we will work on next.

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Hi Doris, is there a new version of the Proof Explore that supports company ID proofs?. Thanks

yes, the proof explorer already supports/verifies proofs with the company ID attributes.

Great - the recent one is this one: so there is no UI done around Company. Just to confirm.

Sorry can see options are in the drop downs - all good we will test.

yes, this proof explore has been updated to version 1.2.0 which supports ZK proof verifications with the company identities. Changes have been made primarily at the backend that verifies the proof. A small front-end visible change is that there is now Global FinReg as an option available be selected as the identity provider


I ran a quick test and encountered an error – please see the details. The current Account/ID has been in use since the early days of Global support. Should we consider creating a new ID using the latest version of the Chrome wallet? We also experience this issue when proving a set.

Browser wallet support is still outstanding for ZK proof generation for company IDs (the wallet only holds the identity for now) but it is tracked in this issue:

Android wallet version 1-2-0 supports ZK proof generation for the company IDs already:

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