Wallet example CORS error

Hi, I’m trying this example: concordium-node-sdk-js/examples/wallet at main · Concordium/concordium-node-sdk-js · GitHub and it works on localhost:4173 with concordium testnet option but digital id and notabane gives cors errors, and also when I tried this document developer.concordium.software/en/mainnet/net/guides/wallet-sdk/wallet-sdk-identity-creation.html
and send create identity request it also gives cors error (
I’m working on localhost:3005,
export const nodeAddress = ‘https://grpc.testnet.concordium.com
export const nodePort = 20000

It seems that these identity providers are not setting the Access-Control-Allow-Origin correct.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

This should only be an issue for website wallets and not for something like an extension, or mobile wallet.
Is this blocking you?

Hi @limemloh,

Yes If it’s possible, we would like to test other providers as well, I just use web requests.

We have reach out to the relevant parties, and they are looking into this and hopefully a fix is coming.

Just for testing purposes, you could probably disable CORS checks in your browser, this is of course a security feature, so it would be at your own risk.

Hi @limemloh, I changed my urls to

export const nodeAddress = 'https://grpc.mainnet.concordium.software';
export const nodePort = 20000;

// Base URL for the wallet proxy.
// export const walletProxyBaseUrl = 'https://wallet-proxy.testnet.concordium.com';
export const walletProxyBaseUrl = 'https://wallet-proxy.mainnet.concordium.software';

and I’m still getting CORS error on localhost:3005, and I changed my local domain to concordium.com and tried got the same error again.

I tried to disable CORS on chrome, opened it with this command,

open -a Google\ Chrome --args --disable-web-security --user-data-dir

still same. Thank you.

I will try the server side requests, I think it will solve the problem. Thank you @limemloh

This will be fixed, and hopefully soon, but if you have the option to move these calls server side, then yes, it should work since there is no CORS check then.

This is now fixed for DTS